In 1993, Bill Clinton became the 42nd President of the USA. F.W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela shared the Nobel Peace Prize as South Africa moved towards majority rule. Israeli and Palestinian leaders signed a peace deal granting limited self-rule to Palestinian areas. Ireland formed a new coalition government, and Albert Reynolds was re-elected Taoiseach. Niamh Kavanagh won the Eurovision Song Contest with "In Your Eyes." The Waco siege ended tragically with 80 deaths. Russia faced a constitutional crisis, and the military crushed a rebellion. Northern Ireland's World Cup hopes were dashed in a draw with the Republic. Mary Robinson, Ireland’s first female president, met both Gerry Adams and Queen Elizabeth. The IRA's bombing in Warrington led to peace demonstrations. Aer Lingus began direct US flights, while Galway faced job losses from a plant closure. The year ended with the signing of the Downing Street Declaration for Northern Ireland peace talks.